Sharing desks, an idea that is not new, but whose trend moves up and down with the seasons. It meets organizational needs. From the idea to the final implementation, I never saw a natural interest from anyone to share their desk. I explain you why and guide you to make this change a success in your team!

Create the craze around the idea
Option 1: Give reasons that will please everyone
You don’t need to explain what drives your decision. You’re the boss. So, to satisfy your employees, you’re going to make up something appealing. You will use the keywords work-life balance, collaboration, common vision. And it’s all set, it will be enough to engage the most recalcitrant.
Option 2: Give the real reasons
Everyone needs to understand the meaning, the why of the change. Change is individual. An individual decides to change when he or she understands the reasons. It is possible to change, even when we do not agree with the change.
For example, in times of drought, watering is allowed every other day after 9 p.m. Although it’s not making things easy for me, I understand the pressure problems in the water system and I water late at night.
The 5 Why are a very practical tool to understand the deep reasons.
Communicate the setting up of hot desks
Option 1: Use email only
The words fly away, the writings remain. In a well-worked message, with all the forms of politeness, you indicate the date on which the desks will be shared. It doesn’t change much on a daily basis, there will always be a screen, a keyboard and a mouse. Everyone plugs in their computer when they arrive and they’re off! Who doesn’t understand what he or she has to do?
Option 2: Invest in a constructive exchange
This is a major change… It changes the physical space and the tools of work, but also the culture, the implicit rules of the organization. Will early birds, who don’t have children to drop off at school, always have the best desks? How is the storage of my files or personal belongings organized? How do I know where my colleagues are?
To answer all these questions in a clear, precise and consistent way, nothing beats a team discussion with all concerned. By investing an hour to exchange ideas, all together, on change, you will save hours of corridor discussions.
Setting up hot desks

Option 1: Let teams organize
After all, desks are already shared, an employee travelling always uses the desks of a colleague who is absent or travelling elsewhere. The team will self-organize. Again, there is nothing to call home about … Just plugging one’s computer into a desk available in the morning.
The self-organization of the teams mobilizes the employees, they can decide how they work…
Option 2: Clarify your ideas
If the definition is not common, you face guaranteed problems. Each employee will have their own definition, which will conflict with that of another. Do you really want to deal with that kind of frustration? Self-organization is about working methods, not physical space.
What are your expectations? A shared desk may be a space used primarily by one individual but used by others when he is absent. In this case, personal photos, decorative objects, post-its or other business documents will always be at the desk. Is it the other way around? An empty, anonymous office with all the basics and a poster that explains how to set up.
Moving to hot desks
Option 1: Don’t change anything
On the one hand, you don’t have a budget to buy original furniture, like at Google. Plus, you’re not Google. On the other hand, the offices are already optimized to fill the space, there is no better possible layout.
Option 2: Create momentum by changing something
Human beings like routines, they need cues. This makes our daily lives easier because we can focus on more important things. If you do not change the physical organization of the desks, the anchoring of the desks with the owner will remain.
You have different options. You can invest in new furniture or move some of the furniture. Simply put, you can organize a clean-up, standardization or upgrade activity for all equipment. Ablitz,a radical change will help create the right dynamic.
Note that in time, everyone will tend to sit in the same place. It’s normal and healthy. The creativity of your employees should be used to solve your organization’s problems, not real estate logistics.
How to succeed everything you do?
Don’t underestimate the importance of change. We all have different sensitivities. What seems innocuous to you can be crucial in the eyes of another. Take the time to exchange, discuss and understand.
Thanks to Magsta and her bunnies, who perfectly illustrate the article.